Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Adventures In Caronavirus Land, Episode 14

Take cheer, everybody! Trump says 2 million won't die of the pandemic here, so he's a hero! And he's never heard of testing shortages, so it must not be happening, eh? But somebody - aka the press, not his very own FBI - should be out there checking out all those masks and equipment that are walking out the back doors of hospitals, because how else to explain why the numbers of requests keep going up?

Locally, we in Arizona can take cheer as well. Governor Ducey is making even stronger suggestions that we should all shelter in place. Well, except for all those absolutely essential services. Which ones are those, you ask? Golf courses, nail salons, barber shops, photography stores, and pawn shops! Hooray!!!

Well, at least all those who've been laid off can find something to pawn for a tenth of its value so they can put another roll of toilet paper on the table. Or was that.....?

In slightly more reassuring news, all those ventilators which just arrived in California, broken, (Heck of a job, Brownie!) were immediately sent out for repairs and should be in hospitals very quickly. Central Park is being converted into a field hospital for overflow Covid 19 patients, and the Navy ship Comfort is approaching it's dock in New York. It did not hit Lady Liberty on the way in, by the way, thanks to excellent tugboats.

What? You weren't worried? Oh yeah, that wasn't Trump at the helm, that photo was him back a while ago in a fire truck and he wasn't allowed to actually move it, just pretend. Honk honk, steer, steer, honk.

Steve is slowly recuperating. He announced he saw two "rocks" the size of a fingernail last night before he flushed. When I made my confusion known, he clarified he meant the white part. Uhhhhh, that white half moon? The edge needing trimming? Trimming, definitely. I didn't ask, looking at my nails and seeing various lengths of white, for any further clarification. I'm not butter and apparently can no longer be further clarified. Or something. I decided to just be happy that some were passing, another step to full recovery.

We've been reaching out to people we both know down here, via phone or email. Amazing how many of them have gone north while the getting is good - or because their other state is already taking sensible precautions. I also talked to someone yesterday who lives alone and will be moving in across town with a pair of friends so they can all shelter in place without going totally bonkers for a month. Interesting idea.

Had to pick up another prescription yesterday, and decided to try out that drive through. It works exactly like an oversized bank pneumatic system: just hit the call button, identify yourself properly, and eventually you can hear it come rattling through the tube until there's a loud klunk next to you. The accompanying hiss is the machine opening itself up and pointing the container at you so you can pull it out and empty it, then send it back. Even I could follow those instructions!

I still haven't tried seriously to find toilet paper. There was a TV shot of a line of carts waiting to check out, each holding a large pack of it along with the groceries. Do I think hoarding has stopped? Does a bear shit in the Vatican? Have the idiots stopped taking cruises? Will the Wonderful Wizard of Oz ever give Trump a brain and a heart?

I figured out if you get really really bored, since March Madness was cancelled/postponed/whatever, we could start a new betting game. Like ice-out-on-Lake-X bets for northern states, this one will be when do other countries, their own virus problems under control, let us back out of here and across their borders? More points for picking which will be first. Call your bookies now, folks!

Just remember: Trump knew about this on Dec. 22. He fired the intelligence people who told him it was going to be a problem. Is this your "hero"?

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