Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Adventures In Caronavirus Land, Episode 10

It's hard to stay calm right now. No, not cabin fever. It's the naked avarice "trumping" humanity and science in the face of this pandemic.

Not Dying For Wall Street. It's trending right now, in all but the halls of Republican power. But people are still drinking the kool-aid. Patriotic seniors should die to save the economy? This from the mouths of those shameless enough to claim the the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, included "Death Panels."

Have Republicans become the party of sociopaths? Then again, that's become a rhetorical question. I'm just reluctant enough to answer it out loud because I still hope the tiniest bit that there can be a "no" answer to it.

That tiniest bit is rapidly shrinking.

I'm not willing to die for Wall Street. I'm OK with staying home for a good while. (Putting off resigning myself to needing to cancel summer plans yet.) Sure, stress eating has risen it's chubby head. Those applesauce/banana pancakes were delicious! Steve helped eat them, but of the box of mix, 5 lonely cakes huddle in the refrigerator waiting to rejoin their fellows.

I'm not feeling stifled by staying in. I'm furious, but by the idiocy and avarice of others. Dare I hope, if the nincompoop-in-chief tells us to go back to work and shopping, that enough Governors will show they are smarter and have better values systems, enough to reject it? This only works if we all participate, but it's patchwork stupidity.

There are small comforts other than face stuffing. The great grand baby should be born by now, but we're waiting to hear. Mom was sent home for a bit, returning to the hospital today. Last word was an emergency caesarean, but her father, our family source, is kept miles away. If I can judge from my own emergency back in '76, the baby is delivered in about a minute and a half, and Mom is put back together in about an hour and a half. So we're optimistically waiting.

More people are reaching out via email and phone. The weather is nice, with systems blowing through carrying just enough clouds to provide a spot of color around suppertime. Some of the sprayed weeds are visibly dying. The pulled thistles, the ones I was too tired to throw away properly so just left in the carport, got carried away by something, presumably for dinner, so I never had to pick them up. The pricker tip in my finger from them worked its way out by itself. Harvey Weinstein has contracted covid 19 and I almost wasted a full second wondering if I was terrible for not really caring? Tuesday is mail ads day, a scoopful of flyers shoved through the slot, the one notable thing today being our local grocery story didn't waste money on what they might not still have to sell by the time we get there. And all our sniffles, sneezes, and coughs can be written off to allergies as the pollen blows in accompanied by the fragrance of orange blossoms. Nobody has a fever. Best, we still love each other.

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