Monday, March 9, 2020

Adventures In Caronavirus Land, Episode 2

Today was the club General Membership meeting. And pot luck. Always, "and pot luck." The members actually rebel should anybody have the audacity to hold the business meeting before the food is served.

Yes, that happened.

Of course, these days we have to consider the extra risks of eating communal food besides, say, ordinary salmonella or e coli. Do we actually want to expose ourselves to the new virus? After all, we are in the vulnerable age group as well as having an abundance of health issues, either ourselves or our partners. And there are a reported 5 cases in the state as of this morning. And still virtually no testing.

With that in mind, I hit the grocery store for my usual veggie tray. I almost never cook anything myself for those pot lucks. I have to trust the food handlers to follow health precautions when preparing the trays. But I decided to offer another precaution for my fellow club members. I bought a new plastic set of tongs, and once at the club, washed them in their kitchen before setting out the food.

I added a piece of tape on the handle with my initials so I'd get them back, but by the time I got to the table after the meeting, the tongs, along with all other silverware, had been gathered up for cleaning and "returning" to the kitchen supplies. I did finally find the stack and recovered mine for next time. I figure they'll be even more useful then.

Virus precautions figured in another way. The head of the line, usually starting with paper and plastic items, started instead with a giant bottle of hand sanitizer. Somebody actually found one before the crowds emptied the stores!

Concerns were on our club President's mind as well, concerning our April meeting. A rules change was proposed this meeting, and following procedure, members were given a month to weigh the issue and come to a decision before voting. But how many people would actually attend then? We need a quorum of 20 voters, and well over that number raised their hands indicating planned attendance. Likely every one but the snowbirds returning north before then.

But perhaps.... Much can change in a month.

If necessary, the vote will happen for the October meeting.

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