Monday, March 16, 2020

Adventures In Caronavirus Land, Episode 4

Hunkering Down:

Steve and I keep reminding each other, when we come up with "I'd love some _____ from ____ restaurant, that maybe now just isn't the time. We planned for this. On the other hand, many people on the TV are promoting supporting restaurants by ordering take-out.  Hmmm, the yen for fried rice, wontons, various other entrees is growing. We'll think about it.

Meanwhile, I have canceled two doctor's visits this morning over the phone. The one was for next week, but that biopsy came back negative and the $214.50  (!!!!!!!!) tube of steroidal skin creme seems to be doing the trick. The other was a follow-up with my cardiologist for another monitor. I'd been having flutters until I drastically cut back caffeine, but not a one since. The only purpose of the monitor was tracing the source of them. 7 new monitors arrived this morning and they called to offer me one, but understood when I declined in favor of somebody with active symptoms to track down.

Before Steve went back to bed this morning he called his doctor to renew a prescription that hadn't done the trick, but he didn't want to have to go in to the office. I'll get the doc's answer to that one after Steve wakes up again.

(Note: Doc says he must visit. I'm trying to convince him this is a good idea.) 

I had recently filled my prescriptions, but a quick inventory of the medicine cabinet last night showed a dwindling supply of vitamin c and ibuprofin. I just reordered both on line. Too bad milk and eggs don't come home delivery - at least not that I can find. Yet. Oh yeah, butter too. I'll hoard the remaining ice cream as long as I can.

Another day for sure.

Our Canadian next-door neighbors had to change their plans to return north. They were scheduled for early April. They now leave this week. Canada has a great healthcare system, but when they come down to the USA, they have to actually buy a policy to cover any eventuality while here. Canada informed all their citizens that due to the healthcare crisis, they were cancelling all insurance out-of-country in a few days, so GET BACK HERE NOW! The bonus for us is they picked the last of their oranges and we now have a supply again. (The last of the previous supply started to spoil and I suggested Steve entertain himself by pitching them into the back yard for the critters. He did. Widely.)

Schools are shutting down in many states, including this one now.  Ironically, places are "stepping up" to take care of kids while their parents are at work, either with activities or meals, while schools are closed. That's a head scratcher. Aren't those gatherings defeating the purpose?

Still waiting to hear if Sun City Rec Centers are shutting down. My Canadian neighbor heard the board was meeting this morning to discuss the matter. It seems they waited for "ball" season(s) to end first. The neighbor is into pickle ball, so that's his source.

 Meanwhile the stock market continues to crash, usually after Trump says his latest lie of self-praise and responsibility denial. His imcompetence is starting to show to all but the most deluded followers now. The word is out not only that he killed the pandemic preparedness program (because, you know, Obama), but besides turning down WHO's test kits, offered free to us, in favor of having BIG PHARMA make some money off of what are not only late but only 90% accurate, he's contacted a German company working on a vaccine with an offer to buy out the company on the condition of exclusive US rights to the vaccine!


Sounds like a great incentive for Germany to rush through nationalizing that company, eh?

At least the localized government leaders - governors, mayors, etc. - are showing signs of leadership. Schools, Broadway, restaurants, casinos, sports, events over (pick your number here: ______) people, all shut down. For a bit, anyway. Idiots like Nunos encourage folks to go to restaurants to support them. Saner heads suggest ordering take-out instead.

"We'll Remember In November" is taking root. Elections may or may not be canceled or postponed. AZ has their Presidential Preference election tomorrow. Additional polling places have opened for "emergency" early voting today, but you have to sign a form claiming an emergency. At least they don't make you explain why, like Minnesota used to. Fortunately, AZ has long had permanent early voting, and we've been on that list for years. Perhaps this will encourage our state legislators NOT to cut back on it as they had been trying to do.

You think? Red state Arizona?

Here's another head scratcher: the Red Cross. They are encouraging "healthy" people eligible to donate to come in. The concern for short supplies is warranted. But they state that there is no concern for blood spreading covid 19, as there is no evidence that it is spread through blood. Really? Has anybody tested it? What other viruses don't spread through blood? And how can it not be in blood, since all blood passes through the lungs? How do we even know, given insufficient testing and being contagious before being symptomatic, that these donors don't have it?

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

With the shutdowns, we have one relative and one friend who just lost income. They work(ed) for a company which supplies security for large venues. No work. One can stay home with his kids to save daycare expenses, we hope. Last I heard, though, day car centers had funky rules about payment even if kids don't attend. But by all means, keep those little germ machines home and away from other little germ machines for a bit, can ya? We love them all.

Another relative drives taxi in a small town in Minnesota, and just called to say Walsh has closed down restaurants. This would be the end to his taxi business for the duration.

Just the thought of hunkering down for the duration is already starting to push those cabin fever buttons. We won't be bored. There will be plenty of distractions. TV. Home movies on DVD. Albums full. Home library plus kindles for each. Jewelry  making supplies in quantity. Phone-a-friends. Back yard bird watching. Back yard bunny watching. Front yard weed pulling / killing. Cloud watching.

In a pinch, I could even empty out the vacuum like I've been meaning to do for ... nevermind ... and vacuum the house. I could quit ignoring dust accumulations. Quit postponing gathering 2019 tax information and making sure I needn't file again this year. Run the outgoing mail to the post office drop box now that our mailman just breezed by without checking for anything, possibly to keep from any exposure and boost his on-time record.

We do have options.

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