Thursday, March 5, 2020

Blue No Matter Who

To all you folks out there who actually realize this country can barely afford Trump now, but are still squabbling over which is the best, aka ONLY, candidate to oppose him, understand that if for any reason voter turnout is suppressed or indifferent, Trump wins again!


ABSOLUTELY the only thing to do is turn out, bring our neighbors, relatives and friends, send in those early votes, after making SURE your registration hasn't been screwed up for whatever reason. Your vote counts! Whether it's Bernie or Biden, or against all odds, even Warren, my personal favorite, get your behinds out there and vote!

Vote Blue no matter who!!!!

In the primaries, vote for whoever it is that warms your heart. But this fall, vote your head. Don't grumble yourself away from the polls because the nominee isn't your one and only heartthrob.  Your vote, along with each and everybody else's, is the one which will stop 2016 from happening again.

There will be all sorts of excuses. There always are. But this time, NO EXCUSE IS A GOOD ENOUGH EXCUSE. Unless perhaps you are dead well ahead of time.

Try not to let that happen, eh?

*    *    *    *    *

Heard from TV:

MAGA: "God gave us Trump."
Reply: "What? Did he run out of locusts?"

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