Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April 1, 2020

Love In The Time Of Chole... uhh...Covid 19.

There is a morning trip to the courthouse to procure the license. Rules are well followed here. A security guard sits outside the doors, checking everybody's bona fides for getting in. Do they have a court case? Are they an employee? Official? Or have they gotten their appointment online for this time slot to be the only ones in their particular line? April Fools Day was the first open appointment, and gratefully accepted.

A code from their confirming email must be entered before they can proceed, armed with not just that code but also a filled-in form, IDs (only from a particular list which qualify) and funds to pay for the license and certified copies of proof the ceremony was properly performed and witnessed.

Precautions must be followed during the afternoon  ceremony itself. A qualified officiant has been procured along with the requisite two witnesses. The latter has been a challenge due to loss of friends ... due to migrations, fortunately, not the pandemic.

For both shade on a hot day, and space for distancing, the carport has been emptied of its vehicle, swept, and filled with carefully spaced chairs, seating for the five. A small table holds a bowl of ice and bottled water, and a plate of (gluten free) cookies. Napkins and  a vase of pussy willows have been relocated from the house to complete the set-up, preventing further need to head out for more shopping. Attire of all is suited to the weather, something that might be called backyard barbeque casual were there a backyard barbeque in progress.

During the reception, the couple fell for each other again. One suggested it was due to the extra weight of the cookies. Regardless, they had been planning to replace that particular wicker loveseat soon anyway, so no real damage ensued. Both were easily extracted.

No hands are shaken, no hugs exchanged, just two rings and a kiss are physically exchanged during a brief ceremony. A document is signed. Smiles, good wishes and thanks are expressed, and the participants return to their previous plans for social distancing.

Hopefully spirits have been lifted for all, at least for a time. Otherwise, no lives have been changed, except in the eyes of the State, noted once a particular envelope arrives in their mailroom and is processed.

We lovers may be fools. April foolishness doesn't have to be a prank. But you can decide.

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