Sunday, April 26, 2020

Getting "Paraded"

At first we weren't sure what it was. Besides a ruckus, that is. A vehicle went by honking its horn. A lot. Noisy, long and obnoxious. So did another, then another. It started to get annoying. We tried to mostly ignore it all, continuing on with reading, watching TV, or surfing. Not sure who was doing which, when. They do tend to blend together these days. A glance out the window from our chairs provided few clues as to what was going on. We assumed it had nothing to do with us, and did our best to ignore it all.

It didn't stop. A few wimpy beeps came from a golf cart, getting new attention from us. Since I was now distracted enough from what I was doing, my bladder successfully claimed my attention enough to get me standing, where the window view was much more informative. It wasn't a golf cart, it was a dozen, at least in that half a minute. One car went by in the middle of them with red, white and blue mylar helium balloons attached.

No signs, not on any of the vehicles. Had something been on the first car and we missed it? Was it for a wedding, a way of social distancing while celebrating? Somebody's... oh, what, 90th birthday? Had the Governor just opened up some part of the economy we hadn't heard about? Were we supposed to be celebrating our first responders this new way and time, but nobody got the message out... enough? Had our ignoramus-in-chief died or maybe even just stepped down? Hmmm, not likely, hence "ignoramus." Too brain dead to realize his limitations. And if either happened, this is still republican territory. How would they find this many to celebrate this publicly?

(Speaking of brain dead, he just commented that if, according to rumors, Kim Jung Un was actually brain dead after cardiac surgery, he could still run North Korea just fine.  Trump should know. He's doing it here, skipping the "fine" part.)

The parade of vehicles eventually sputtered out.  We went back to appreciating the quiet and resumed whatever is was which had been interrupted. Speculation petered out, and we weren't too upset by the notion that we'd never know the cause. Other things caught our attention, like the heat. I still fought turning on the Ac, but went to bed last night determined that tomorrow's forecast justified finally turning it on for the first time this year. 84 should do it. Heck with that, make it 83. For the incurably inquisitive, I didn't make it past 1:48 PM before turning it on. Fans and wet t-shirts only do so much.

This morning when Steve joined me in the living room, he announced he'd learned the reason for yesterday's parade. All those people were celebrating us. All of us. For staying home, not making things worse. Sweet. If only we'd known.

But kinda makes me feel guilty for taking Steve to that appointment he has tomorrow. You can bet I'm coming inside too, not sitting in a car in the sun when it's likely to have hit 103 by then. Hey, I've even got a mask.

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