Tuesday, July 2, 2024

I Feel A Rant Coming On...

How dare they!!! Who do they think they are, rewriting the foremost principles of the constitution with one idiotic, thoughtless, nay, criminal verdict? Oh wait, it's not just one verdict, just the latest before they skip town. They've been dismantling our Democracy for several years now.

In case you've been in a coma the last 30 hours or so, I'm referring to our formerly respectable Supreme Court. You know, the one whose majority no longer trusts women to make decisions about their own bodies and is allowing each state to make their own rules about what we may or may not do, mostly based on ignorance, making power grabs smothered in warped religiosity. The same Court which has been making it impossible for this government to work for our betterment by allowing businesses (because they're "people" too) to pollute without restraint and destroy first their neighborhoods and soon this whole planet, just for the sake of ... what? Better stock prices? Higher CEO pay? Their own imagined luxury retirement where by some miracle they have a nice spot tucked away on this planet where a few people can still breathe an atmosphere with a healthy ratio of CO2 to O2, with no weather disasters which are worsening each year, destroying agriculture, habitat, and survivability? Yeah, that Court.

Perhaps they imagine that granting unlimited power to a single person without repercussions is just a technicality, that nobody would take unfair advantage of facing no criminal repercussions, and we would never elect somebody who is a power hungry narcissist anxious to take revenge against their imagined enemies who simply don't march in lockstep with them. Maybe our Founding Fathers only imagined the destruction even back then, when a single person empowered as king could wield hell upon their own country as well as those they wished to conquer, subjugate, enslave, control, or destroy in whatever way they could. After all our founding fathers had only just finished a war against George to get out from under his cruel thumb, and couldn't possibly have long enough memories to work to prevent it happening again, from inside this time. Right? Did these current appointed "Justices" forget our Founders came up with principles like everybody being equal under the law? Nobody got to be king. Of course they made a few glaring oversights back then, like women and African descended persons being property, only fractions of human beings, needing to own property (without regard for the people already inhabiting it) in order to even have rights and value. But we've been working to fix that for over 200 years now, and until recently we'd been doing a steady if not rapid job of fixing that oversight. After all, people with ultimate power over others will wind up abusing it, one way or another.

Do these "Justices" somehow delude themselves into thinking we've grown past those abuses? We only elect sane, responsible, thoughtful people to power? Crooks can't get past the system and reach the seats of power? Were they asleep since 2016 when a certain now 34 -times convicted felon took office? Did they take a holiday in the Bahamas on January 6 of 2021 with no benefit of news or internet, thinking they were just avoiding a loud party across the way?? Come on, people, are we going to believe they're mostly just stupid, ignorant, blind in their high thrones of power? Will we look at their reaping all kinds of riches and gifts from "friends" who just happen to occasionally have cases before the court which coincidentally just happen to be decided by the majority in their favor, and think instead about what we're going to do with our friends Friday after work that week, everything's fine?

Ask yourself what will be the next legal constitutional domino to fall? Can you see how it will affect you and yours? Do you fancy yourself in one of the "immune" or "protected" groups? Do you honestly think there ARE any protected groups any more, when the whims of an offended narcissistic madman can take anybody down, should he regain power? Could air that isn't breathable be somehow separated from the rest of this planet's air just for you? Do you really think enough people are paying attention to realize where this could be headed and keep a felon out of the Oval Office? We let him in before, didn't we. We also kept him out once. But now they are apparently endorsing all his criminality as just an ordinary part of the job.

Are we really going to buy that? 

Are we?

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