Sunday, July 21, 2024

An Open Letter To Kamala

Yes, THAT one. Of course. 

Joe broke our hearts today, or at least those of us with courage. He's been one of, if not the best, President for achieving a progressive agenda, rescuing the economy, helping the working folks, promoting education and healthcare. I will back his decision to step back, not down, while at the same time resenting each and every supposed Democrat who forced him out. Yes, forced him out.

I also bemoan our supposedly free press, the myriads of them who cravenly went for the "eyeballs" instead of telling the truth to the American people and the world. Should their constant haranguing of him and every tiny thing while ignoring the real threat Trump is to this country result in bringing down this democracy, it will be bitter justice with a heavy sprinkling of schadenfreude when Trump's Project 2025 shuts their doors permanently. And way too many of ours as well.

You are our hope. He recommended you to run in his place. As just a practical matter, though it is much bigger than that, you have access to the campaign donations in the fund. No other American can do anything but start over. You will be able to build on what you two have worked together building. When he chose you to run with him, he saw what few of us had yet seen. Now he's chosen you to run for him, and you've got the character, the knowledge, the skills, the experience, and the fight to carry the banner forward.

I ask only one thing of you. Don't pussyfoot. Lies are lies. Crazy and cruel are crazy and cruel. No mincing words to be "polite". Or ladylike. Take the gloves off, get the hell out there spitting fire, take it to them and FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! And pick a good, strong fighter to fight by your side, on our team.

Win it for Joe. Win it for you, who've earned it. Win it for all of us, even those who don't know enough to appreciate it... yet. It will be your fight of a lifetime. It will be ours too, and we're all in it with you!

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