Sunday, July 14, 2024

Get The Don A Bandaid!

I'm sure you'll hear first thing about somebody trying to shoot tRump at his rally last night, if you haven't already. 

Remember this:

Two people died, the shooter and a rally attendee, presumably innocent of the shooting. tRump got an ear lobe leaking a bit of blood.

The Secret Service did their job. Trump thought his job was to roil up the crowd further than they were by giving his fist bump, signalling his followers to get out there and fight.

His followers have been fighting... to keep the most weapons with the fastest firepower in the most hands despite age, sanity, crime records, and what have you. In turn his followers already decided to blame the media for the shooting as they left the rally.

if you want to be useful, folks, let's not stir up civil unrest over this. Somebody, please, just get the man a bandaid for his ear, and a damp hankie for his terrified white face.

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