Monday, July 8, 2024

DMV Woes

Just when we thought we'd paid all the fees, produced all the documents,  jumped through all the necessary hoops to transfer everything over to Minnesota, we got another letter in the mail today. This one was about Steve not producing ID showing he was "entitled" to own our home. Despite all indications to the contrary, it is registered as a vehicle. He needed to show a driver's license, unexpired, to prove he can drive it... or something. I guarantee you neither of us will ever drive it! I tried sitting on hold on the phone for 40 minutes. I even had to plug in my cell, which had registered a nice charge in the morning. After rereading the letter, I noted the part where we could email them with any questions.

I did come up with one. Because of course I did.

It needed a bit of explanation first.

Here is my email, with certain identifying deletions you will understand, including the precise email address and title number their letter and my response referred to:

*     *     *     *     *

Dear Sir or Madam:
You need my husband's ID (legal name) for the title transfer to go through. Let me supply some history of incompetence:

May 30: We both went the the DMV in (name of town) with the then current owner, (name). She had a document showing she was entitled to sell it after her father's death. After completing her part of the transfer process, I had to go the the county office to pay the property tax and return with documentation. Once back at DMV both my husband Steve and I gave the clerk our AZ driver's licenses, as well as "the letter" (for tax payment) and the copy of (previous owner's) documentation. His AZ DL number was (number), exp.2/15/2027. (Currently punched full of holes during July 1 transfer to MN.) Fees were paid, documents checked, sent away with job completed.

AS  IF....

July 1: responding to a letter, we returned to the DMV as the copy of (previous owner's) document was missing. I secured my own copy of it and turned it in that day. Once more we were told all was in order, after the clerk sat at the computer for around 20 minutes, consulting back and forth with other clerks. ALSO on that day, Steve applied to change his license to MN. Current number: (number). It's for the address of the home we now live in, which all these problems revolve around. One error he noticed as he walked out is they marked him as needing glasses. As he was reading the eye chart he cleared several rows of letters until the clerk laughing asked him to stop, obviously passing and then some. However, he was too annoyed with all the hassles by that point, and being disabled (Check your handicap hanger records) refused to stand around any longer to try to fix it.

That same day, I applied to change the address of my (missing) MN driver's license. I'd changed it very early after we relocated to MN but never got my card. I'm sure you should be able to locate that application however, as the DMV staff informed me it was undeliverable. (We had lots of mail issues at that time, but not your problem.) At the same July 1 visit I also got MN plates for my 2013 Hyundai Accent, switching it's registration from AZ as well.

Now if you are unable to locate the original title application which we got called back to the DMV for, or locate any of Steve's recent records, let me please just ask you a simple question:


Most sincerely.
Heather M. Rosa

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