Monday, July 15, 2024

Following Up With The DMV

Remember this?

That was my saga/ complaint with the reasoning the DMV gave for not having Steve's ID on file and thus not being able to issue the title to us for the new home. 

There have, of course, been developments, which actually tend to reinforce my opinion of "competence" in the department. First, their letter to me, usual deletions:

"Thank you for contacting Driver and Vehicle Services.

"The identification that was scanned was not valid since it was punched. We require a valid Id to be scanned with a transfer. Please let us know if you need additional assistance. Include this email chain in your replies.

"Sincerely, (first name), agent #"

Naturally, I had things to say in reply:
"Are you serious!!!!  Steve's ID wasn't punched until July 1 when he applied for his new DL.  On the other hand, MINE likely was since I worked on getting my MN DL much earlier, even before knowing we had purchased the home and needed to transfer title. I could say a lot of things here, but I'll settle for asking clarification:

 "First:  Is my ID, then punched, valid or not? I have my replacement finally, so do I need to come back in and show it to you?
"Second: Steve is still waiting for his new MN DL, presumably still in your hands somewhere in the system. Since in May his AZ ID was not punched, does he still need to come in and how can he until you produce his new ID for him?

"Still sincerely, if less respectfully,
Heather M. Rosa"
I wonder if they actually know how to read, how to research documents referred to by their date and other factors like purpose. I am beginning to believe, however, that they have unwittingly replied to my final query in my first email to them. They do not, in fact, appear to be in search of competent employees for their department.
It will be interesting to find out what their reply to this is. I'll keep you all posted.   (Hey, what keyboard symbols do you use for "evil grin"?  Anybody?) And by the way, Id is a Freudian term, as in id, ego, and superego. ID is what he is supposedly referring to. Capitalize both letters or neither. Nobody gets my id for ID purposes. I'm keeping that to myself... except for what I'm sharing here.

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