Monday, August 19, 2024

Where Are Our Packages?

 We saw the mail truck drop the mail at the mail shed, which holds everybody's mail in locked boxes with their house numbers matching its box numbers. We're given a key to our box when we move in and are warned that having to replace it will cost of $125.00! The shed also has a bulletin board inside on one side where anyone can post a notice, and a drop box for rent checks on the other next to four oversized lock boxes for big packages.

Steve and I were both expecting packages today.

So on our way out to meet friends, I drove up and stopped to pick up the mail. As is usual for large packages, we had a key inside our box to unlock the big box holding our packages. There of course was a problem, because why not? 

The four big boxes are numbered, 1, 2, 3, and 4. Our key was numbered... wait for it... 203.

WTF !?!?!?!?!?!

Now there is a mail box with the number 203 on it. It's just as small as ours, belonging to the people in the  the house with that number. Anything small enough to fit in #203 would also have fit in our otherwise empty box matching our number. So of course I tried the key in it anyway. After all, how can I say it was a crazy idea if I hadn't tried it and our stuff was in there? Logically, of course, it would have been idiotic, but if you don't at least give it a try.... 

Imagine explaining you hadn't tried something because you didn't think they were that stupid and found out that's where it was.

It wouldn't go in. Good thing for the owners of box 203, right?

So, let's try the next stupid things on the list. Try box 2. Nope. Then 3. Nope. What was weird was the key would actually go in each of those box's key slots. It just wouldn't turn either one. Each of the four large boxes were presumably full because none of their keys were in their slots where they go once you've cleaned your mail out, ready for the next use.

I locked the useless key back in our little box and returned to the car to let Steve know what isn't happening.

Time to call the post office and find a polite way to ask them WTF? I always keep the number of our local post office in my phone, wherever we live. It rings. And rings.  Three and a half minutes later (my phone keeps track) it hangs up on me, no answer. I go through the same thing 3 more times, with the same results. Then I give up as we have to go meet these friends at a local restaurant and they should be getting there by now.

Once at the restaurant, I send Steve in while I sit in the car to try the post office again. Maybe somebody was on a double-cigarette break before. Hopefully their break is over. Three more 3 1/2 minute tries and still no answer. This is beyond understanding, but I'm leaving friends waiting. I'll try again tomorrow, first thing in the morning. Hopefully somebody can tell me what key 203 opens, or which key should have been left in my little box instead.


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