Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Would it be unkind to stress the "moron"?

Political signs sprouted overnight in our neighborhood like weeds. Say, the poison ivy kind of weeds. Every one I've seen is for tRump. (My spelling.) I don't like those but its a free country, right? I wonder that nobody so far has whatever it takes to put up a Democratic yard sign here, for whatever office, at least not yet. Is it because there is a lag after the convention?

I had a conversation with a neighbor on my way into the mail shed last week. I was wearing my new hat. She was about to drive off and decided instead to engage me in conversation. She made two points, other than giving me her name and house number. First, she approved of my hat, and second she was a bit leery of advertising her political leanings "around here". While the state as a whole leans "blue", this area leans "red". I'm not sure what the possible consequences in this senior neighborhood are for announcing an opposing point of view, but we pretty much stay inside anyway, and just exchange friendly chit-chat with neighbors we pass. I figure if they "get" the hat, they can figure it out, and likely already know about it. I've found folks who can't get it, even after letting them know the first character is a comma. I don't push it.

The sign across the street offends me, frankly. Its message is a total oxymoron, and I don't think they get it at all. Only the willfully blind, or those drinking an awful lot of the wrong kind of Kool-aid, can find the two statements compatible.

If you believe the first statement, one could presume you have some basic knowledge of his teachings. You know, love thy neighbor. Be kind to those who hurt you. Feed the hungry. Welcome the stranger, judge not, be meek, and a peacemaker, and on and on. One would also easily think you followed those teachings, and not selectively, or with your fingers crossed behind your back.

One might also believe  that you also have taken note of all the things he isn't known to have said. He never came out against abortion, or homosexuality. There was no "prosperity gospel" for that would have been the opposite of his teachings to share, or of  how difficult it would be for the rich person to enter Heaven.

If you are being kind, you might believe, against all evidence including from his own mouth, oft repeated, that tRump also follows those teachings, rather than the polar opposite. But he is vengeful, angry, loves only himself, thinks only of his own popularity rather than anything he can do for any of the rest of us. All who know him soon realize he is a narcissistic psychopath, and further that he is increasingly dropping into dementia. Now Jesus would have us  take pity on his  condition. He wouldn't have us agree with his greed, his deceit, his lies, his unceasing crimes, his hatred of and abuse of women...and on and on.

As a fnal note, tRump is not a President. He was, granted. He lost his election. Multiple judges found no evidence to the contrary, despite the lies presented to them in court, and several lawyers pushing those lies lost their license to practice law.  (I guess they needed more practice, or more law and less tRump, or something.) You may wish him to be one again, but right now he is a multiply-convicted felon and not a President.

In aiming my camera out the window I found something much less offensive to shoot, something to help take the ugliness across the street and its foul taste out of my mouth.

Enjoy the rest of my view.

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