Friday, August 2, 2024


So proclaimed large black letters on a bright pink sign, full caps. We passed it to our right as we approached the stop light by the Dairy Queen. Our aim was neither the beer nor some ice cream, but some shopping a few miles up the road for regular groceries, and pharmacy stops for each of us.

Still, as intended, it caught our attention. There were more lines on the sign. Who was proffering free beer? The next line said in equally large letters, YARD SALE! An address followed, and finally, on the bottom row:  *SORRY, NO BEER*

It left me wondering. Did it attract customers as well as attention? Or did it disappoint possible customers, annoyed at the lack of beer they'd thought they were promised?

I didn't head over to ask. I wasn't interested in the beer either way, free or not. 

 But then again, ice cream....

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