Thursday, August 22, 2024

More Wannabe Medical Scammers

Within 24 hours, two of them called me. I haven't compared phone numbers, but the area codes matched mine. I guess they thought I'd think they were legit, right?

The first was a man, first name only (now totally forgotten, likely fake anyway), and was offering to discuss the "results" of my neurological exam with me so we could decide on next steps.

Maybe DJT needs one, but I don't. Further I've never had one. But I live in a seniors community - they can check these things before they ask your name and you confirm that is indeed you - so I must need one, have had one, or be worrying about why old age is playing games with me, right?


I was tempted to string the fellow along for a bit. But I just wasn't up to it right then. AGT was on the TV and we both were watching. Plus I know I'd never had one, wasn't worried about one, and had no interest in cheating either myself or Medicare for any costs associated with one. So I sent him on his way, fairly politely.

Afterwords of course I fantasized ways to string him along, pretending to be frantically worried about my alleged results (since I couldn't remember getting such a test, it must obviously mean I have a serious problem, right?) and seeing how far he was willing to go in order the catch this particular fish. Truly, though, AGT was more interesting. Well, parts of it anyway. This one act however....

The next afternoon I got a call, from a woman this time, inquiring whether I was on Medicare. Yes, I am, but it's a bit early yet for the insurance of sub-par "Advantage" plans, or even Supplement plans, to be trying to snag new customers with honeyed words. Give that another couple months. The mail box will be flooded. But the question itself put me on my guard. People who need to know already do know.

Her spiel I've heard before, many times. "I'm _____ with ____________ Medical Services.  (It changes slightly each time.) Our records show you have __________ and __________ pain, is that right?" One of them is always back pain, since so many people have it. I have spent hours over the years in combined  various calls demanding to know where they got my medical records, which (alleged) doctor sent them over, why hadn't my doc let me know about the alleged referral, and so forth. All they ever know is that they have "my records". They're supposedly right there in front of them. Can I just confirm the locations of my pain for them?

Of course not!

This time, so soon after the other scam call, I had no patience at all. I apologize to the rest of the world for my nasty language to her, since I was trained better, but seriously, Mom never had to deal with these crooks. 

"You're full of shit, don't call me again, good-bye!"

In hindsight, I'm kinda amazed I bothered with the "Good-bye"! I guess some of Mom's training actually rubbed off! Hmmmm.....

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