Friday, September 13, 2013

Sprung! And On The Road

That's actually yesterday's headline. It's not much of a headline, compared with Colorado flooding or the Jersey Boardwalk fire, but it's my headline. Nuff said?

Are you kidding? It's never enough said. You know me by now.

After a good night's sleep, I woke at my usual time and caught my favorite morning news/weather/traffic. I'd been promised "first thing" discharge, and called dispatch to let them know I'd be out but late. (Before 11, as it turned out.)

"My" nurse was just one of the many morning visitors. Of more import on wake-up was the one who agreed to move - not remove as I hoped - my leads for the cardiac monitor. They were itching, fiercely. It didn't take long for that pesky medical adhesive allergy to kick in. All over. Lots of tape had been sacrificed to aid in maintaining the location of needles or preventing my leaking once removed.

During the process I got to point out the red skin circles left from a couple hours wearing the first set in the ER. They didn't itch now but they were certainly decorative. In fact, once all were gone and I was in front of a mirror, I decided I looked like I'd gotten so lonely for Steve I'd been coupling with an octopus.

When "my" nurse finally poked her head in after shift change, I informed her of my impending departure, ASAP. She was explaining to me that while my file was on the top of the Doc's stack, it could well be 10:30 before he got around to issuing orders for me to leave. Just as she finished that sentence, a knock on the door brought in the Doc with his announcement that my discharge orders were written. Every thing had been normal all night on the new med.

Since she was still there, she pulled out the IV port. As soon as she left, I removed the monitor patches. I'd watched the process, so knew what detached where and what to throw away. Two hours was enough to leave new marks.

I called Steve and asked for his 9:00AM arrival. I was fed, dressed, packed, and sitting around waiting for the paperwork when he arrived. I was badly in need of a shower and shampoo but he gave me a huge hug anyway. Yes, they had finally offered me a shower, about 6:30 that morning, but I declined in favor of an imminent one at home, in preparation for work. All I can say about that event was ... "AAAHHHHHHHHHHH."

And that's - finally - nuff said.

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