Monday, March 14, 2011

More Comversations

Hi Daddy, why are you sitting up?

I want to get up.

It's midnight.

I know, I've been sleeping since two midnights ago.

No you haven't. Let's get you some water and tuck you back in.

* * * * *

Hi Daddy, what did you want?

Oh, It's you? Thank Goodness. I wanted to talk to you.

What's up?

I just wanted to say 'Good-bye'.

OK, 'Good-bye'. Where are you going?

I don't know yet. I have hopes, but I'll find out when I get there.


I died tonight, you know.

No, I didn't. How'd that happen?

Well, there was this crossword puzzle in the newspaper. Several of us were playing, and the loser had to go off the cliff. I lost.

Oh, OK. It's 1:00 AM. Ready to go back to sleep now? I'll come and wake you up in the morning.

OK, but I won't be here.

Yeah, well, I'll come and wake you up anyway, all right?

All right.

* * * * *

(By phone)

Hi Daddy, how're you doing?

Not well.

No? What's wrong?

I hate to be a bother.

You're not a bother. What's up?

I don't want to complain, but it's that son of yours.

Why? What did he do?

Well, it's... I guess you'd call it... I need to tell you about some child abuse.

Child abuse! Against who?


Is Richard there? Can I talk to him on the phone?

Hi Mom.

What's up? I presume you've been listening.

Yeah. He's been crabby since mid-afternoon, when his aid left and he decided to go down to his room and go to bed. I tried to tell him it was only three o'clock and he could nap in his chair, but he was insisting, so I figured it was just better to let him go. Then at 5:00 I woke him up for supper, and he thought he'd been left alone in bed all day long.

Yeah, well, I got him up this morning, so I know that's not true. Just do your best with him and tuck him in bed when he's ready tonight. Tomorrow he'll have forgotten all about it.

I know.

* * * * *

Here, Daddy, let me straighten up your blankets so you're warm again.

Can I say, 'Thank you'?

Sure you can.

You're Welcome.

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