Tuesday, May 28, 2024


 Just a little slip of the finger and OOPS!

I'm sure it's happened to you all at some time, right? You're online and hit the wrong key. Suddenly you've approved something, bought something, posted something you had no intention of approving, buying or posting.

Sometimes you can fix it.

Sometimes you can't. Or at least can't figure out how to fix it.

I did that last week. I was looking at an "untitled" post in my list of recent posts. In this case it was a blank page. I'd somehow pulled it up when pulling up another blank page to put a post on, and here it was, still sitting there. 

I tried to delete it. I'd just said all I wanted to say for the day. It was late, I was tired, and my fingers were telling me I really needed to go get some sleep, not fiddle with a screen I could put something on later. 


I thought I deleted it. I shut my laptop down and got that needed sleep. Next time I wanted to post something, there it sat in my list of already posted items.

Wait! What? Already posted? No title, no content, just a big nothing-burger? I flipped back to my blog's front page and yep, there it sat, officially posted with nothing there, taking up an inch of space it didn't deserve. I went back into my working page, where I write and rewrite and proof and rephrase and correct until I can post something I'm not totally ashamed of, and there was no "delete" button. I looked at all the little symbols I ignore because I both don't know what they're for and haven't needed to use them... yet. Nothing gave me to power to make that nothing-burger go away. 

I looked at the stats accompanying all my posts, wondering if there were something on that page which would let me delete it. I could "update" the post, but how do you update nothing? One might think I could actually write something there so it becomes a something-burger, but one little thing stopped me. Seven of you had already been counted as reading it.

I do hope you all enjoyed it. Perhaps you found it a relief from the usual length of what I tend to post. Perhaps you credited it with being irony, or the quintessential meta message of "nothing to say". More likely your reaction was WTF? and you went on to other things in your day.

Anyway, it's not going to get fixed. It's not just I can't figure out how. But if I did ever figure it out, then I'd have to delete this post too as well, because what would be the point of leaving it up?

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