Monday, May 20, 2024

"Agley" Means Postponed Some More

Just don't ask what else can go wrong, please. It's becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The realtor called this morning, informing me that the closing now isn't expected to happen until Wednesday. I don't know if part of it was our documents getting late to the Fed Ex office down there. What I do know for sure is the buyer doesn't have the money... quite yet. So Fed Ex isn't that late after all, despite the notary's delays.

The information she passed on is that they are in the process of getting the needed loan to cover their expenses, but for some unknown reason it's taking an extra two days. "Everybody" is sure it will happen Wednesday, now. There were even addendum documents emailed to us to e-sign and send back, changing the closing date. That's all, just the closing date.

Hmmm, might it be the solar company and title company combined forces to make sure the six month advance payment got paid before closing was allowed to happen? Or was it just some random stupidity?

I'm glad I took the bother to go out and buy a bottle of White Out the other day when we were doing other shopping. The paperwork we have for the park management folks warns us on every page that incorrect information could result in our being refused residency. But they were all filled out with the expectation that the closing would be today, before we meet with them tomorrow. So I get to go very, very carefully through them all, page by page, line by line, to make sure they say what reflects tomorrow's truth... so far.

What fun!

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