Thursday, May 9, 2024

It doesn't Get Much More FUBAR!

When you move you forward your mail, right? We did that and started getting our mail in MN. Then... we quit getting it. The forwarding system has worked for decades or longer, perfectly well. It followed us when we moved, It followed us north in the summer and back south in the fall when we were snowbirds. Recently the paperwork changed, going online was not so much a service as a requirement, and postal staff were prohibited from assisting us, until eventually you even had to pay to change your address. In short, it became annoying, but still functioned. Mostly.

Now it's broken.

I got this weird notice a few days back, telling me that per my request - supposedly - mail was being sent back to Arizona. Steve didn't get one. It was so weird and things were so chaotic still, that I mentally filed it under a mistake, nonsense.

WTF? What request? But mail we'd been expecting just wasn't arriving. Steve needs a replacement bank card.  His new handicap hanger for parking. I need a SS replacement card. A check or two. And a driver's license. And... and... and by now who knows what else? At least most of my bills are announced online and paid online.

With the sale of the house even more documents are likely to get into dead letter hell. Hell for us anyway, even if not for them.

A call to our realtor on an different topic this evening brought up the fact that she had a couple pieces of our mail recently delivered to the old house. One from Steve's bank, another from an auction company which owes me two checks, though this one should be small. She informed us they had been addressed to the northern address but forwarded back to the old one, dropped through the door mail slot, and handed over to her by another realtor doing a showing. She'd been planning to send them up, but when I expressed frustration with missing mail, let me know that first she'd head back over to see what else might have accumulated since then. In order to avoid a repeat of the endless travel circle, we requested she address the new fuller envelope to my son, the permanent resident we're living with who hasn't forwarded mail to my knowledge since he finished military training decades ago. It should get here without being diverted yet again. Maybe more we're waiting for will be there and some problems will be solved.

Meanwhile, tomorrow morning we'll head to the post office. At least in tiny towns they'll actually talk to you rather than pushing you ASAP through the line. I'm hoping we can get ideas of how to actually get our mail and KEEP getting it. Especially since we'll be changing our address one more time in a month or two, hopefully for good. We will need to know it won't be reversed on us through whatever kind of mischief.

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