Thursday, October 13, 2022

FOX "News" Killing Off Its Own Viewers Faster Than The Rest Of Us

Who'd a thunk it?  I mean besides all the rest of us. And the reason is obvious to all the rest of us, despite disclaimers about researchers scratching their (obviously balding as a result) heads trying to figure out just why it's been happening, now that they've finally crunched their numbers and discovered what we all figured must be true.

It's covid, of course. Sure. Lots of folks have died from it. Still are, in fact, at a rate maintaining at about 400 - 500 per day, to the surprise of the blissfully uninformed. The rate is also expected to climb back up to around a thousand a day this winter, when we all get to crowd together in sealed, heated buildings again, and the latest worrisome variant is settling in to take its toll. Yes, rest assured it is out there and it's known to those studying variants around the planet. (The good news to us non-FOX-viewers is that the bivalent booster shot should fight it. Funny thing though: it has to be injected first. Microchips and all.)

So, you ask, pretending you don't know the answer, just how is FOX killing off its viewers in higher numbers than the rest of us? Let's start with over two and a half years of minimizing it, calling it a hoax, scaring its viewers with allegations of weird shit in the vaccines, including microchips that supposedly Bill Gates or Microsoft can use to follow us around more easily with than they already can with our own cell phones, cars, and computer usage. Especially all that highly personal stuff we share on FaceBook, etc., etc., etc. 

Since that isn't sufficient by itself, FOX has been promoting the latest quack remedies being sold by the latest cons (Sponsors? You decide!) without any data that would indicate, say, that swallowing bleach is safe (hint: NOPE!) or an anti-malarial drug or anti parasitic drug for horses would be of any use whatsoever. (Again, hint: NOPE!) They've turned masking into some form of slavery, and made it all so political that their (ahem: idiot) viewers absolutely refuse to do any of the things that actually would keep themselves and their families safe, or at least way less likely to die from covid. They're not even talking at all about the debilitating effects of long covid, in many cases still lasting years after the initial illness.

The rest of us are actually taking the latest medical advice (mostly), and getting vaccinated on a reasonable schedule (mostly), and (some of us) are even continuing to mask indoors in crowds, and do those other simple things that also keep us from - hey, would you believe it? - colds and influenza, poised to attack this upcoming season with a vengeance because so very few of us now have any lingering antibodies against it from either previous vaccinations or recent survivable cases. 

Now if FOX decides it's a good business model to continue to keep killing off its viewers faster than the rest of us, and hasn't yet been convinced by their corporate sponsors that this has an actual downside, they must have gotten addicted to drinking their own Kool-Aid. (Is this considered a bonus? Like the high from other addictions?)

I'm not actually aware of any 12-step program that's geared towards fighting that. And I've consciously decided that I'm not about to try to develop/adapt one either. I even suspect that Darwin would recognize the downsides to trying to intervene to change willing stupidity in an already overcrowded population.

But hey, the rest of you out there? There's a very important election coming up. GET OUT THERE AND VOTE!!!!!  We can take advantage of the consequences of FOX thinning their herd.

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