Wednesday, September 1, 2021


If you didn't read the previous post, go get caught up.

Recovering  means all of us. Rich has no broken bones, so no worries about ribs puncturing anything. Pain is a different thing. And we know soft tissue damage can take longer to heal. In the daylight, I can now see the holes in the shirt he was wearing that are only a hint of how much damage his back took. It was his favorite tee shirt, and I've ordered its replacement for his  upcoming birthday.

I'm finally caught up on sleep, at least enough to think I can think straight. That might be another catch 22.

Steve is not doing well yet after his plane ride. Yes, 3 days in the car would have been worse, but immobilized in his airplane seat was, minute per minute, worse. He goes to his doctor in a few hours for other things, and sees the eye doc later in the month to start whatever the process for his cataract. He'll have to wait for an insurance approval to start dealing with the new back issues.

The dog is fine, now that all her people are home. She's missed Steve this last week-plus.

We all are still wary. Adam is still out and about, not in custody. Amanda finally let us know she was OK and home after helping clean up the scene, so we are relieved on her account - for now.

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