Friday, September 3, 2021

Cruelly Insane! (A Rant)

No matter what your ideas on abortion are, the current Texas ban really has nothing to do with preserving life. It may walk like a duck, talk like a duck, but it's really a raspy voice in a suit of feathers over a waddling wolf. It's about POWER - nothing less. Not about life.

Even if we assume more children are born in the next 8 months than before as a percent of started pregnancies, or however long this law stands, the same people behind the ban are also making sure that those children are coming into a world where the adults around them will be doing their very worst to make sure that whichever variants of covid there are out there at the time will easily find them and have a chance to kill or at least damage them. They celebrate controlling other women's bodies while they whine about ruling their own bodies by being free to not vaccinate, not wear a piece of cloth on their face to prevent spreading a deadly disease to others including  those pregnant who might as a result miscarry, have a stillbirth, or a baby fighting for its life even before their first breath and requiring intensive healthcare support for who knows how long a term. Those same people are also doing their worst to destroy the livability of the planet these new babies will be trying to survive on. Not only that, but by increasing the overpopulation problem, those children will have to fight even harder for a sustainable share of limited resources. Every way, more will die once they get here. 

They will suffer in the process.

The "success" of the ban will be distributed unequally across the population. Rich women never have to be denied abortions, since money will find a way. It's going to be the poor who can't afford to travel, take the time off work, and find child care for existing children, who are the ones who will have to struggle with the extra mouth feed or find a back alley abortionist and risk their own life and health in the process. Rapists who impregnate their victims will have free rein to propagate wildly, then turn around and claim parental rights, an excuse to maintain contact ( aka terrorism) with their victims.

Women will die, whether from the complications of the pregnancy they want to abort for medical reasons, or from seeking out illegal methods. Because woman will still seek abortions. Children will suffer, whether from being unwanted and more vulnerable to abuse, or from impoverishment giving them and their siblings even smaller portions of limited resources. And the rabidly extreme Christian right will smugly ignore all that and pat themselves on the back for "saving" them. Don't call them the Texas Taliban. There is no Taliban in Texas. There are a lot of extremely religious folk who call themselves Christians. So little of what they do or believe is actually Christ-like, a better name for them might be "Christianists." While they "think" that they are being virtuous, doing what Jesus taught, they haven't bothered to read their Bibles. Jesus never taught against abortion. Never. And you can be sure we was well-read in the teachings of what we now call the Old Testament, where there are instructions on what women should take to induce an abortion.  If you want to counter that with the "be fruitful and multiply" text, well, mission accomplished, eh? It makes sense when there are only two. How many billions of us does it take to override that instruction?

Let's throw in a dose of heavy irony here. The same people making that anti-abortion law are the ones making the voting restrictions laws, not even bothering to hide these days that they believe only the white folk should be allowed a voice. Demographics show the increase in people with darker skin tones in this country. The right wing admits they can't win elections if they are held fairly, especially since they are so extreme right now that only a minority of the country are left who like their views. But the people most likely to be forced to grow their population faster by this abortion ban, the ones already on the bottom of the economic totem pole who can't afford the go-arounds, are the very ones those white supremacists most fear: those with darker skins.

And for those supremacists, the darker-skinned people are still only good enough for one thing: being their slaves. Maybe not legally, at least not yet, but as close as they can make them be, given non-living wages, shrinking safety nets, and by snatching away all their available power to give to the white folks. It's not hidden, not a secret. They're getting so bold now that they've even forgotten to quit saying the quiet parts of their scheming out loud. (Think of this as an indication of their stupidity.)

We can fight. We MUST fight. For those of you who wish to eliminate abortion, recall that President Clinton said that the best way to stop abortions is to eliminate the need for them. Promote good healthcare for women. This includes good education about and access to reproductive care and birth control. it's about proper nutrition for both mother and fetus, proper family support so the decision is not a forced economic one when children can't be fed and clothed. It's about fair wages for women so they don't have to try to raise children and work three jobs.  It's not about penalizing the women who get raped, carry a damaged fetus, are too young, or have health concerns, whether physical or mental, which mean carrying a fetus to term causes the woman harm. It doesn't mean adding all kinds of extra requirements which add unnecessary cost, embarrassment, intrusion on their privacy, treat them as stupid, or create fake reasons like claims of post abortion depression, or that a fetus can survive at 15 weeks or some other arbitrary age not founded in science or medical experience. It means keeping our own noses completely out of any medical decisions we are not a participant in, either by being the patient or the doctor.

Above all, it means getting out and voting!!!!!!!!!!  Choose less cruel and more sane decision makers!!!

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