Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Newest New Normal

Once again it is possible to find, at a somewhat reasonable price, TP, hand sanitizer, face masks of many kinds. I haven't tried to find bleach, bleach wipes or Lysol wipes, or TP in the stores recently, so I can't tell what is going on there. I've been staying away from stores as much as possible,  particularly since things have been opening up a bit. But I'm starting to find them online these days, lower prices, and more friendly shipping times than in the last 2 months.

Yes, 2 months! I was supposed to get a delivery of hand sanitizer I ordered over 2 months ago. Even with the stated 2 months to deliver it, the package was days late. At least this one arrived. A different order never did, and PayPal handled a refund. Now that we are three in this household, I'm especially glad I was able to locate some hand sanitizer both cheaper and faster about a month ago. It also smells wonderful. So does the  inside of the car, where most of the spraying gets done as we return from getting groceries, gas, take-out, seeing the doc, or whatever.

TP is in good supply in the house for the moment. Notice my level of trust (not!) in the continuation of that availability, now that things are opening up again. Luckily I had a friend stop off with a 30-pack of TP from  Costco last week. The shopping was a couple weeks earlier than the delivery. I was one of many on her list, and it was very well received. So was the opportunity to sit out front at 6' distances and wearing masks, chatting for as long as she had to stay before another duty. I haven't seen her since our last peace protest, stopped for risk to all of our members and to our families.

Steve and I haven't changed our social lives... exactly. We still stay home except for necessary trips, and often we recategorize what that includes. No, not expanding. Paring down. If it can wait until delivery brings it, we choose that. If it can be combined into fewer but larger shopping trips, we choose that. All in all, we were feeling pretty snug and secure. Even the roofing company hasn't been stopping by anywhere near as they say they will, so little risk there either.

And yes, I've had words with them about that. Seems that they want a bigger job than my insurance company will back, but $5 grand plus seems worth it to me. Am I out of touch?

Anyway, we felt pretty secure until Rich called. Since then, there have been three trips downtown, 4 trips driving him to a job when bus schedules were particularly wonky due to the holiday weekend. Being with him for his first trips, we had plenty of time for me to set down house rules. These days what gets stressed is mask wearing, hand and clothing washing, distancing, no hugging. His job also requires all to wear masks on the property. While Steve and I are used to these new rules, we live together and do not distance from each other. We get the same minor exposures, and frankly refuse to stay distant within the house. Each knows when the other wears and has washed a mask. There has been a bit of adjusting at first, me stressing enforcement  more than he does, but it's habit now.

The uneasiness comes in with a third person not used to the rules as habit yet, magnified by being out in the community. The trust will take time to build, and even then an awareness of risk remains. The fortress has a breach. The possible ramifications of thoughtlessness are much more important for us. Rich is aware, and good about it, but still....

I "have to" go to the club on June 1st. We finally got approval to  reopen, but need to get in to designate and count spacing and make sure supplies and signs are in place. There will be only 3 or 4 people in the club that day, and the more I go out with a mask, the easier I feel about it. Of course, that will change the more I see the covidiots out there without wearing one. At least the community centers will enforce the wearing.

Perhaps in reality what I need to worry about right now is some kind of a car breakdown when I'm out in 110 degree heat. Maybe I'll just worry about Rich waiting for his next bus out in those conditions instead. Or Steve, after seeing his cardiologist, needing a procedure that will get delayed due to the rising crowding in the hospitals. At least my best friend got her heart procedures done last week and it wasn't yet an issue.

But any day now....

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