Thursday, May 28, 2020

1 1/2 Miles Away And Downwind

That's where Steph and Ben are in Minneapolis in relation to the protesting and looting. So, safe and physically unaffected. For now anyway. If it spreads, they're a block off a main commercial street.

Looting. In a time when the 1st wave of coronavirus is still cresting all around the country, when frustrations about lack of employment and income are the rule, food is difficult to obtain in many neighborhoods, inequities are slamming them from all directions, and now topping it all off is looting. There is video on the news, and in the brief flashes I've seen, masks are less than universal in the part of the state which already has the most virus cases.

A posted list of properties damaged show some closer than 1 1/2 miles away, and more widely scattered among minority neighborhoods:

Results: Cops are going to reinforce their beliefs about the "lesser" status of minorities, economic turndowns in these neighborhoods will plummet even further as business owners will have to close to rebuild and repair, and racial tensions will rise, and more deaths as the virus spreads further among populations most vulnerable to it. Tragedy compounded.

If only all this fallout can be placed on the shoulders of the four cops who started this by either killing another black man or standing by to let it happen. As Steve points out, if guns were involved and a group of people were involved in a crime where somebody was killed, all are charged with the death. Let those cops all live in prison in fear of justice for the rest of their lives. You know, because the world works that way, right?



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