Friday, March 26, 2010


Jeremy Kalin disappointed me. He's my local representative at the state legislature, in his second term.

It's not his ideas or ideals. They seem to be just fine. It's that he's quit fighting for them. He announced that he's not running for another term. Worse, he announced it late, after the county convention. That hardly gives the possible new candidates enough notice to mount an effective campaign for the primary, though that's still possible. But it gives them no chance to stand up in front of their fellow activist Democrats to state their positions and invite questions, making each one's job harder.

It seems to me that a proper part of one legislator's job is helping the next person in to come from the same side with the same or similar views. Especially when quitting is that voluntary. This county is basically Republican, has been a long time. Getting another Dem in will be a long hard slog. It won't help starting late, especially when the Republicans never stop running.

I don't know his reason for quitting, much less quitting now. If it's about the rancor, as so many top people have said as their reason for stepping down, why not stay around and lead by example? Sure it's tough, but who said worthwhile things were supposed to be easy? And why now? There's a fairly good chance the next Governor will be a Democrat, and that, despite rancor in the legislature, there'll be at least an honest broker at the negotiating table for a change. More might be accomplished.

So from my viewpoint as a person to be represented, Jeremy Kalin's decision and timing stink.

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