Saturday, April 6, 2024

A Clump Of Hair Looking For A Dog

The contest:

I was cleaning up before company was due to arrive. While there hasn't been a dog in this place since last October, there were still clumps of black dog hair all over the floors. I could sweep the hall, for example, a long narrow place with no furniture to hide under, and ten minutes later, if it even took that long, there would be clumps of hair back where I'd just been. I don't bother a whole lot of air when I sweep, unlike my sons for example, so there should be very few little eddies along the way as I go by to drag out more hair from nonexistent hiding places to line the hall again. 

I could understand it happening in the living room, with lots of furniture legs, and cords scattered around at floor level to hide dog hair from my broom or create swirls of air to tease more air currents to carry new clumps out from hiding spots to suddenly appear where I'd just cleaned. But this was just a bare hall. Doors line it but they'd either had the spaces on their other sides swept out as I passed moments earlier, or had stayed undisturbed with higher carpeting on the other side blocking anything from reentering the space just swept.

It was a puzzle, where the clumps had all come from, some endless supply depot touching this space from a hidden dimension, bringing dog hair with it. It's predictable, happening regularly in this house when brooms were utilized, no quarter given for the length of time since the last dog inhabited the spaces. I expect it will continue happening here. For that matter, I expect it will happen in the new house, despite no dog or other furry creature having lived in it during its history, or at least not one visible to normal human eyes. I didn't see any during our two trips to go through the place. But then I hardly ever witness them moving into place behind me, since, contrary to what parents tell their mischievous children, there truly are no eyes in the backs of our heads.

But still they appear, popping from some nowhere out into our somewhere, once again some new clump of hair out looking for a dog.

I made that comment to Steve as I swept. It must have sunk in because five minutes later he said it back to me, talking about a clump of hair out looking for a dog. Perhaps he found a hidden truth in it, though I don't credit him with sweeping floors enough to have made the observation himself, in just that way. I observed it might be worth a title for a blog post. He agreed. So now we're both to come up with our own fill in piece for our own blogs, and see who can do it the best.

I'll let you know.

Meanwhile, he's gone down a different hall for a nap, and I'm heading back down that swept hall because I've been sitting too long after finishing a beverage and wish to avoid the worst consequences of that bad habit. On my way I'll scout for more clumps. If nobody hears from me....

Come armed with a broom.

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