Saturday, August 1, 2020

Technically ... Genocide

For those very few of you who've been hiking the Appalachian Trail or hiding in a deep cave or watching only Fox News or have otherwise found a way to totally escape reality, you might have missed the revelation that tRump Incorporated decided to throw out their plan to fight the virus because it was, back when it was much more controllable, just hitting the blue states.

Sure, let those people die. They're not our kind. When it started ravaging blacks and the Navaho Nation and other non-white-supremacists, there was still no move to step in and curb it.

It's not as if there wasn't a plan. Obama's plan, of course, because Obama. Great because Obama, destroyed because Obama. They started to try to reinvent the wheel without the barest concept of "round" and "spokes" and "axel," but decided to abandon even that as soon as they saw who was getting hurt in the first surges of the virus. Back in March, even. Still time to get it under control, time enough to let tRump declare himself the national hero, but deemed, by the idiots that be, not to be a good political move.

Kill off the opposition, then blame Democratic governors.

Of course, nobody taught the virus to politely ask the political leanings of all those targets before hopping aboard those bajillions of little droplets flying around rooms. The virus was really rude in invading all those red states and also taking down those who preached FREEDUMB! and NO MASKS! And HOAX! And JUST A SNIFFLE! And HYDROXYCLOROQUINE! As well, of course, as taking down all those anywhere near them.

We knew most of that. Now we know that it was intentional. Not just ignorant and idiotic and indifferent, but deliberate. Tens to hundreds of thousands of people will have died before this is as over as it will get - ask me how cynical I am on that score - who never needed to have died now and this way, this horrible, nasty, painful, struggling way, all just because Dumbfuck and his Dumbfuck father-in-law  (You thought I was going to put those the other way around, didn't you?) decided it was good politics.


The UN charter, back in the 40's, saw fit to define genocide. After all, Hitler tried to completely erase the Jews, Romany, and homosexuals from every piece of the earth he controlled. Such an extravagant horror should never be tolerated again, and a good definition keeps reminding us all what people shouldn't do to others. No loopholes. It includes in the definition of genocide the killing of large groups of humanity for the purpose of religion, race, or politics! It also doesn't discriminate between peacetime or during war.

Heck with waiting on New York to put the hammer down on tRump Incorporated. Let the Secret Service escort him to a private jet straight to the Hague! Say, noon on January 20th.

Sooner would be OK, though.

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