Thursday, May 7, 2020

"Just Trying To Make A Living"

A woman in Texas got arrested and jailed for a week for opening her beauty shop a week before they were officially allowed to open. In the way news folks do these days, searching out any old stupid thing that might draw eyes for their ratings, one guy was shown protesting her arrest. It shouldn't have happened and they should let her go, was his reasoning, because "she was just trying to make a living."

I plan to follow this story. If that excuse ever works, I'm sure it will make a big hit all around the world. It's what the bank robbers will use, thieves, burglars, scam artists, and the entire Trump family and cabinet will use.

What? Too early?

It's OK, Barr will eventually be replaced - IF YOU ALL VOTE! - and justice can return to normal.

Trump is pushing hard on the economy, dismissing all the attendant deaths which will arise when - not if- we reopen too soon. Well, I've got a campaign slogan for that. Remember when Clinton (Bill) used, "It's the economy, stupid"? Biden should start using, "It's the corpses, stupid."

Trump often comes close to speaking truth. Problem is he usually inserts slightly wrong words. Speaking of Jarrod's bungled corona virus fighting task force, he praised it by calling it "a well oiled machine." What he really meant to say, the absolute truth about its success, should have used the slightly different phrase, "well greased palms."

So close.

So-o-o-o-o close.

75, 558. Plus. It's still morning.

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