Friday, October 2, 2020

Taking A Moment

The news - if it is actually news, since who can tell? - greeting us as we first connect with media is that both Trump and Melania have tested positive for coronavirus.

Why the questions? Start with 22,000 lies, including those from the White House doctor, garnish with a major roll out of right wing political messaging, sprinkle with a dash of likely debate avoidance, and smother with all the unfavorable poll numbers and his inability to hear any bad news about himself.  Consider also the timing of the release of an audio clip of our First Lady saying "F**k Christmas and F**k those kids in cages.

What is known is that Hope Hicks is ill with it and while at her most contagious shared a flight on Air Force 1 with Trump and company. All maskless, of course.

The country is again split, one half in disbelief and the other crying for Dear Leader. As one who's waiting for definitive news, if it is true, let me just say that Karma's a bitch.

Are bitches all bad?

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