Friday, September 18, 2020


I was hoping not to have to write that title for another 6 months or so. At least until we got Trump out of the White House. Obama was robbed of a choice for justice thanks to Moscow Mitch, holding that nomination as well as hundreds of bills passed by the House on his desk. I'm pretty sure he'll be fair and let this opening go to the next President, right?

Yeah, I didn't think so either. The drool is already running down his chin.

Ruth, you were tiny in stature but a giant in life and your contributions to this country. You will certainly not be replaced in kind, particularly from anyone in that list of incompetent ass-lickers on the list Trump just couldn't wait for your passing to display  to the world.

It was your continuing survival despite your fight with pancreatic cancer which kept our hopes for some balance and sanity in this country alive.

When you -yes you, reading this - wonder why you should regularly do your single most important civic duty by going out to cast an informed vote,  IT'S THE SUPREME COURT, STUPID!!!

 I'm going to take some time to go mourn now.

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