Monday, July 11, 2011


I'm still feminine enough - no, make that human enough - to change my mind. I decided not to wait quite so long to see the oncologist. So I'm heading in on the 21st.

Partly it's because it's twanging on a nerve or two somewhere, and that signals to me that something's changing, perhaps even growing. Not necessarily a good thing.

Partly it's because the Minnesota shutdown can't really last forever - can it? - and if the Republicans win, I won't have to worry about a cap to my health insurance. The new cap, their style, will be zero. They want to eliminate Minnesota Care. (Along with Meals on Wheels, and a few other pointless programs because all they do is keep poor folks alive longer to bother them.) Right now a judge says they have to continue my coverage. If a budget agreement is reached the way the Republicans want, I'm SOL. So hang there, Governor Dayton.

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