Wednesday, November 10, 2010

He Is Not Either a "Good Man"

One of the things that bugs me is the idea put out there that the hatemongers of the media world, once you take the mikes and cameras away and meet them on just a personal level, are in reality good people, just entertaining us with lies, hate, and fear in a way that draws them bigger salaries. It's not really who they are.


The part that really galls me is hearing this line of crap from liberals. People I otherwise respect can be so stupid this way. Sure, the Hannitys and Becks of the world have the capability to be charming and sound rational, on occasion. This does not make them "good people" who just occasionally behave badly. This is like saying, "Oh that Joe, nevermind him, he's only a pedophile on Tuesdays!" These people have power to (mis)inform and persuade millions of people, and they use it at best recklessly and at worst willfully for evil.

Yes, evil.

Remember that little inconvenient commandment about not bearing false witness?

So to say these people are really OK off the job is like saying that the man who travels and solicits whores but stays faithful and attentive to his wife when at home is really a "good husband."

Just because you only sell your soul to the devil on a part-time basis, it doesn't make you any kind of a good person. Period.

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