Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The 96 and 1/2 Birthday

It started for him two days ago, when he announced he was now 96 and 1/2. I informed him it was a couple days yet. He's keeping track. Some days he's keeping track better.

Tonight on my way home I stopped and picked up some chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting and sprinkles. They come in a plastic container that holds way more than the four needed to celebrate. Not a problem. Really. The "boys" have offered to help.

Paul dug out a birthday candle and lit it, then brought it over to his grandpa in his chair. We suggested he make a wish, and he said he thought if he did that, he wouldn't have enough air left to blow out the candle. Considering how oxygen-rich his air is, I wondered if he could anyway, or if the flame would flare up as he blew. It did go out, just before the end of his first long breath out, trying.

Then we got to remind him that the paper on the cupcake needed to be removed. That was after his first bite. We all had our cupcakes, and then went on to other things. No presents, no singing, just a "We remember."

There might not be another.

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