Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I came up with several of these years ago while driving around with nothing better to do than listen to the radio, watch traffic, and hunt addresses. And, of course, fume about our Governor's latest doings. I'm not sure what happened to them, and I'm having to recreate them, with a few updates, so I'll post them as I come up with them. This one stuck in my mind, probably because the syntax had to be bent so much to come up with things to rhyme with Pawlenty. Because it's bent so badly, and because I had to listen to somebody mangle it and give up midway through, I'm showing you where the accents are.

Don't LOOK in our STATE for PawLENty.
CamPAIGNing aGAIN this week WENT he.
A BRIDGE could fall DOWN,
He WON"T be in TOWN.
From BIGger amBItions is BENT he.

I also remember a middle section of one, but it needs the ends. I'll try to work on those today.

It's no tax, plain to see,
If you call it a fee...

I always figured it'd be a lark to get a radio station to have a contest coming up with them - clean ones, of course. He so deserves the ridicule.

* * * * * *

I finished this one in the shower. I think that means I'm as clean as it is.

"No new taxes" our Governor screams.
So I guess that is just what he means.
It's no tax, plain to see,
If you call it a fee.
But is everything just what it seems?

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