Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Slow Route Home

My son Rich called me last night, enough of a surprise it almost deserves its own post, but it's the content of the call I'd rather talk about. He's been in Miami for a few weeks, and he warned me when he left that his free ride home would be with a family with young children, and they'd be taking the slow route home. Whatever, you don't turn down free.

Exactly what that meant, though, was a matter for speculation. We both figured it just meant 4 or 5 days to travel back, rather than the 3 that are a comfortable push for adults, making more stops for stretching tiny legs. Last night he found out a bit more detail.

They spent yesterday heading across the state to an area near Fort Meyers, a place called Pine Island. He says it's near Sanibel and Captiva, but though I've visited both islands, I'd never heard of it. The family he's traveling with have a camper, and they're spending a week in a campground nearby, but one of their relatives has a cabin on Pine Island, and that's where Rich and a co-traveler get to spend the week. Just kicking back, relaxing, sun and shoreline, and hopefully, somewhere, food. Ahhh, the good life!

And who knows? After that, 4-5 days traveling? Another stop or two? I guess I'll know when I know.

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