Monday, June 3, 2024

You Know You've Been Packing Too Much...

We've been starting to put things into the new home to make it ours while we're waiting for our PODS to arrive from Arizona and we can really move in. Things we need but didn't pack, or didn't even know we'd need, are being ordered, and as they arrive at the "old" place  for continuity, meaning somebody will be around to receive them. Except for the freezer, of course, as it has to be installed as part of delivery.

The frequent rains give lots of reasons to head over to the new house, successful as they are at (over)-growing bushes, weeds, and invasive Johnson grass, already taller than most of the long established bushes. Steve can sit inside, since there is only one outside chair over there until the PODS arrivesn but a couch and recliner now fill their assigned spaces, and dream his dreams and make his plans for where furniture ends up and what vacancies still need to be filled, from furniture on down to small organizers to pictures on walls. Laundry now gets cycled there as well.

When we're back at the "old" house we do much the same, looking around our current space and deciding what can head over now and what we still need to live with here. It's also our only current source of wi-fi and TV, not to mention being able to cook and clean up the kitchen. Paul set his system up with Netflix, brand new to us, except for recognizing the name of course. Almost immediately we latched on to "Heartland" and have been going through it all in sequence. Beautiful horses, spectacular mountains, and characters we get some life lessons from along the way, both positive and negative.

This morning we were in season 16, an episode where Great Grandpa Jack had been unsuccessfully trying to repair a very old generator after a storm took out the power to the ranch. He'd struggle, get it going, and within a few hours it would fail... again. After stepping in a puddle from the freezer's lack of power, he was finally persuaded to purchase a new generator, something almost anathema to him since repair was always his go-to. It was gorgeous, shiny, in colors other than rust, and the scene showed the old man still with the strength needed to lift it out of its box.

My comment to Steve? "Great box!"

Yep, I've been packing too much.

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