Thursday, October 5, 2023

So Are We Zombies Yet?

The crazy is strong out there. Yesterday there was a 5G network test. Cell phones sent signals like you hear with an Amber Alert. Getting one (or three in my case) meant that your device was properly connected to the new network.


There is always somebody spewing idiocy over the "airwaves" these days. Most of us have been lucky enough to have missed most of it. We don't listen to the sources that spew that crap. We might hear about it from other sources which ridicule - or bemoan - what's nutty out there but taken as gospel by the ignorant and vulnerable. (I'm being as kind as possible here.) Leading up to yesterday's test, word was going around that use of the new network to send the test signal would have the effect of turning all who received it into zombies. Perhaps I am missing a few details, but check off my ignorance to indifference.

No, I'm not shitting you. The rumor was really out there - about as far out there as you can get - and somewhat widespread. I admit I hold absolutely no belief in the factual nature of it causing zombification. I don't believe in zombies. I think TV shows and movies about zombies attacking the living and eating their brains are a total waste of electrons, eyeballs,  and brainwaves.

In addition, the rumor about yesterday's test was totally illogical with respect to the zombie lore. One definite part of how one becomes a zombie is that one has to die first, that being a zombie means you have a second so-called existence afterwards that is physical, on this planet, and concentrates on eating brains. It apparently lasts as long as a zombie can continue to move while their body is in the process of decomposing and falling apart. Just like vampire lore, death is a prerequisite. 

Now I don't know about you, but I'm really sure about me, that I haven't died yet, and even if only for that reason I didn't turn into a zombie yesterday when that signal made my cell phone beep. I was sitting next to Steve when his phone beeped with that signal reaching it as well, and he didn't turn into a zombie either. Plus, I can assure you that despite a recent ER visit, he hasn't died either. Cracked a rib, sure, but still breathing, speaking, watching his favorite TV shows, and even has started pool walking at the rec center. Even if you don't take my word for it I can assure you they would definitely have prevented any zombies, or merely dead people, from entering the pool. You can even ask the several people he chatted with while there.

So think of this as a kind of a wellness check: has anybody out there turned into a zombie as a result of the 5G network test? Inquiring minds want to know.

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