Tuesday, March 1, 2022

A Contrast In Attitudes

While I may be cynical about the outcome, it's heartwarming to read the stories and see the videos about the resistance and mocking of Ukrainians and others towards the Russians. From a leader refusing to leave, to an old woman telling an invader that at least the national flower will still grow where he dies, to road signs that not only don't give directions but inform invaders that in every direction they choose they can go f*** themselves, to a Georgian ship refusing to refuel a Russian one, suggesting they row instead,  while giving them the same sentiment, to somebody offering to tow a tank out of fuel back to Russia - I can't help but wonder how we would react if invasion came here. 
Ukraine is a shining example to the world. Too many of us sit here and whine about a piece of cloth across the face. Do we even know how to be an example any more? A good one, that is?


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