Friday, October 2, 2020

Open Letter To tRump

to President* tRump:

I heard you got your wish, what you've long been courting: the coronavirus. I just want you to know I do not want you to die of it. (Hear that, Secret Service?) Instead, I hope you are as miserable as possible for as long as possible from it without dying, so you can fully realize that you will never have a second term besmirching this country, and so, on January 22, 2021, spend the rest of your miserable pointless life in prison! Perhaps you can be kept company by all those crooks who happily enabled you in your many crimes while lining their own pockets illegally.

As far as my wishes for Melania, I yield to her inspiration to the country: "I Don't Care, Do You?"


Really, sincerely!

Oh, and for any of you Secret Service reading this? (Yeah, as if I'm that popular...) I sincerely regret that you have to work for this turd stain who makes your lives so unsafe by exposing you to the virus. I hope those of you who have caught it are recovering nicely, that those of you who don't wish to catch it can find better jobs elsewhere, and all of you recover from the threats to your sanity from having worked for this piece of work.

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