Friday, June 19, 2020

Not So Bogus After All

If you recall yesterday's post, my post office had informed me that the tracking number I gave them over the phone was bogus, and no, they weren't holding on to a package for me.

In retrospect, I can think of several reasons why the package actually was there and not being delivered. This is Arizona, after all, and politics - right wing politics - do run deep and fierce here among some. So a package from China, the right wing's latest boogyman, might not get their full patriotic attention, hmm? Perhaps not even pay adequately. Not saying it's true, but I seem to be getting more paranoid about some things these days.

   Then again, a small fat plastic envelope can easily hide or get stuck temporarily in some dark corner or behind something, totally ignored until there might be a reason to go on a hunt. Or just sweep the floors perhaps. Shake out the big box before tossing it in recycling?

And it is true that our postal system puts their own tracking labels on other packages, easing tracking them in their own system. Unfortunately, they keep track of the old-to-new numbers about as well as tRump's government keeps track of kids crossing the Mexican border. At least mail, so far as we know, doesn't risk rape, malnutrition, covid and other diseases without proper medical attention.

So why an I thinking up reasons/excuses for why my package seemingly vanished in the bowels of the post office and suddenly, after I called to inquire, arrived through the mail slot this afternoon? Maybe because  my call yesterday resulted in my package arriving in the next possible delivery.


Anyway, the masks are pretty, fit well, and each comes with two filters and a pocket in which to insert them. I have let the vendor know.

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