Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Party Minutes

I've just been installed as club Secretary for another year. This means, not only did I get to celebrate at the annual party last night where the ceremony for all incoming 2020 officers was held, I got to take the  minutes from it. Usually my minutes are terse. Cut out all the extra words so the report can be kept to a single printed page where possible, saving the club a few expenses. Notes were taken last night. Minutes were written after arriving home. But hey: PARTY! A different style was called for:

Fairway Sterling & Stones Membership Meeting
AKA Annual Christmas Party
Dec. 9, 2019

Festivities commenced at 6:00 PM. According to the sign up sheets, 87 people were in attendance, including Santa and Mrs. Claus. Attire ranged from shorts and jeans to an incredible variety of bling; upon reflection, not totally unexpected for a jewelry club.

President Mary Brown-Martilik called up the other 4 current club officers to the podium, presenting each with a “‘World’s Best (__office here__)” certificate. Mary has apparently been so busy with club activities that she forgot to print out the 5th one for herself. It may be, with her impending retirement, she’ll get some rest from her heavy workload of club duties soon. Not too much, however, as she has plans to continue teaching workshops in the club.

Incoming officers were called up for installation, Maggie Frey officiating. President - Becky Joy, 1st Vice President - Phil Townsend, 2nd Vice President - Sandra Larson, Secretary - Heather Rosa, Treasurer - Carol Fleury. Thanks were then given to outgoing President Mary Brown Martilik for her years of outstanding service, a bouquet was presented by Neva Schumaker, and a lengthy standing ovation followed. Really lengthy. Reports surfaced of certain hands reddening and swelling from repeated impacts.

Lifetime memberships were awarded to Vic Shorb, Linda and Colin Morely, and Richard Campbell.

Business being over, pot luck was announced, lines winding no more than 75 feet long at any given time, progressing steadily until plates were overfilled, followed by all available chairs, with more then brought in by RCSC staff, along with an extra table. It was commented that this was our largest crowd in years, and a special welcome went out to all our new members from Bell who joined while their facility had some improvements… uh, issues… uh well, it is expected to actually reopen. We will be delighted should they continue with us even given an alternative.

Raffle names were called in bunches, interspersed between segments of music provided by the DJ, Hank Tokarz. In contrast to the stereotype, Santa actually won a raffle prize, finally getting to know how it feels to receive and not just give. It is hoped this didn’t prove confusing, and he appreciated the change. One might think the shock of that accounted for Santa’s chronic wardrobe malfunction, had it not already been occurring throughout the evening. Having lost his real Santa belly this last year (according to Mrs. Santa) he decided to - ahem - fill his role by stuffing something in denim under his shirt in its stead. His struggles to maintain it in its place, by stuffing it upwards repeatedly from the bottom, provided some entertainment throughout the evening. Really, Santa, not necessary. After all, slimmer is the new black. Own it!

Lisa Borho announced that, considering the 4th Wednesday this year falls on Christmas Day, with most committee members having alternate expectations of how they spend that time, and the jewelry store currently being adequately filled, there will be only one jewelry selection this month, and items need to be in tomorrow night.

Much dancing ensued. By the end of the evening, a number of men actually joined in as well. Party officially ended at 8:00 PM. No information is available about any private parties continuing off premises.

Respectfully ( uh, OK, sure) submitted by Secretary Heather M. Rosa.

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