Monday, January 20, 2025


 We think it was a bit of food poisoning.  Yes, we know the norovirus is going around, but this didn't have the same symptoms. and for once in a rare while, we'd just eaten the same supper. After a couple days, some internet research provided more information that fit both what we'd eaten and our symptoms, so we know what to avoid and better how to treat it next time.

Of course, a purge didn't cure what ailed us. Even the weight loss is sure to be temporary, darn it! Our energy was low, and the extra cold temperatures with worse on the way kept us inactive, as well as a bit pessimistic about the immediate future. Our guts weren't exactly in shape to recharge our energy, and there was nowhere that needed us to get there. The Vikes - as expected because they're the Vikes - were out of the playoffs so that distraction was gone, but the house was clean and with no more entertaining to be done, stayed that way.

Much of our energy was devoted to catching up on the sleep which we'd been too uncomfortable to do earlier. Some reading was done... so long as it wasn't too complicated. The science and political stuff I like to dive into seemed to be blending together into either incomprehensible or repetitious mush for a few days, and a lot of TV reruns took over for distractions. Some favorites on the tube had new episodes, and we both made progress handling the new system of remotes so things responded better to forced new habits. We even had a new one arrive in the mail after the old one refused to change the volume, in either direction. If they didn't  work, or we didn't work them correctly, "OFF" was a frequent option, with a little more shut-eye welcomed, provided a few more layers were piled on. Thicker, warmer layers were located, rather than pushing the thermostat higher, since the latest bill had arrived and took an extra hundred out of the monthly budget. Next month looks to do the same, if the forecasts are accurate, before we can hope for relief. 

Today the plan is to resume old habits. First will be getting out of the house and, provided the car works at these new low temperatures of -17 now and -26 tomorrow, go back to work. Otherwise I'll be taking more time off, since this car has no tank heater, never did, and we have no idea what its tolerance for the super cold is. We do know for sure that the hydraulics for the back hatch are fubar in the cold, and they require replacement as soon as I can both schedule the work and get the car to the dealership. I also can't open the oil tank even with pliers in this cold. I just bought a crescent wrench last week hoping its larger size would give more leverage, but it's been too cold to check. On the plus side, my client does have alternate transportation provided by others who live in a world with garages if my car refuses to budge for a few days, so I won't be leaving them in the lurch. And Steve hasn't heard yet about scheduling his surgery, though our hopes were raised for that happening soon a couple weeks ago.

Will we be watching the inauguration on TV today? I'm sure that we each have "a thing" that needs attention elsewhere, whether or not the car works. Perhaps two. Steve called in a grocery order plus some meds to be refilled, so we're really hoping the car runs at least today. The house has power so we can cook something we'll feel like eating, as that's still a bit iffy occasionally while our systems are trying to reset themselves, and no sense trying to disrupt them further for politics today. Additionally, soon my brain needs to be in good working order to work over the phone with the person who gave me a present that needs to be installed - whatever that means, aside from needing my best alert brain - into either my laptop or the TV - I'm not sure of which yet. The jargon will be  unfamiliar to me while second nature to their generation, always intimidating. So yes, I'm sure we'll have a thing somewhere else to be done at the time that needs our attention instead. We're neither of us 100% yet, so no point pushing our recovery, right?

Meanwhile, I need coffee, and a bit of protein and some carbs. Those are in abundant supply. We stocked the house up with plans to have to figure out - again - how to deal with MN winters. Mostly it was by pretending for a few months that outside doesn't exist.

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