I realize I'm starting to sound a bit disgruntled with how much "normal" service levels are degrading in my regular life. It's not limited to prescription refills however. Yesterday is a case in point.
Months ago I got one of those notices in the mail for free warranty work on (another) part of my car... my 2013 model car. I'm not even going to bother asking why it took them this long to figure out there was a problem with the ABS braking system. I mean, 12 years? How many crashes did it take to figure it out? Basically I don't put myself in situations, whenever possible, that I need to brake that hard. I'm told when you use it, it kind of jerks you to a stop so you don't just go sliding/skidding down the road. I'm taking their word for it. That should tell you how often I (never) use it.
And yes, I realize that in winter it's especially important to avoid skidding, which is why I drive the way I do and don't rely on the car's gadgets to get me out of a bind. So, late January, I finally called for an appointment to get the free work done. My work hours had finally settled down enough that such appointments could be made and kept. It also helped that because it's late January, the super cold wind chills while I stand and hold my hatch door up while store staff loads groceries into my car. Brrrrrrrrr! I figured so long as I'm doing one thing I should do both, and maybe check on a third to find out why my car is leaking or burning oil. That's not a guarantee to immediately fix whatever, just find out a cost and then decide.
The car dealership is over a 70 mile round trip. (The one 12 miles away closed years ago.) I love that they have a large, enclosed, warm drive-through bay to wait in while they check you in and make sure what you asked for over the phone is what you really wanted. This is where the "fun" happens, and a little honesty pokes out through the frustration one employee has with another employee who didn't quite get their job done correctly.
My hatch door got opened, and heads and hands poked around in exploration while they tried to figure out what the exact problem was. Nevermind that I'd already told them, both over the phone and again just then in person, that the hydraulics which hold it open no longer work due to AZ dry heat wreaking havoc on rubber over a dozen years. You can see it on the gaskets on the doors too, or how fast wiper blades fall apart. The employees seemed, however, to be taking an extraordinarily long time sussing that out. This is where the climate control while I sit in my car with the doors open is really appreciated.
What I finally heard is that they were trying, by looking and poking all around, to find the electrical parts which allow me to raise and close my hatch door from the front seat.
Uhhhh, seriously? On a cheap little 2013 hatchback? They were maybe on the market back when it was made, but were only in high end cars when they first came out. My then $15,000 car was and is a far cry from high end. Dependable as heck, just not high end. And as one employee who returned to me with the "news" complained, they already had my VIN on record, both for the warranty work and for me being a repeat customer from previous warranty work, all they'd had to do would have been look it up and find out what parts comprised the hatch door parts that held it open until some hand physically pulled it back down! THERE WERE NO ELECTRONICS TO FIND, MUCH LESS REPLACE !!!
The result of their not checking before I drove in is that the needed parts were not on hand. My ABS braking system now works, I'm told, not that I plan to check it. But my hatch still needs me to hold it open while stuff goes in/out. Or, once I get home, putting Steve's sturdy walking stick's rubber tip down on the floor and the top in a little recess in the door where fingers normally go for a grip while it gets opened or closed. So long as nobody jostles the stick bottom, it's possible for me, all alone, to pull all the groceries - or whatever - out before removing the stick and letting it drop. As in SLAM! and be sure your head and hands are not still in the way! The last grocery loader, despite being warned, got a shock at how fast it dropped last week once I let go, finally sure he was out of the way.
Who knew his semi-sleepy eyes could open that wide? Ahh, to be so young, so much to still discover!
Anyway, they ordered parts at the dealership, guaranteed to be there today. Just no telling what time today, so don't bother making an appointment till tomorrow. With my work schedule that means Friday afternoon. There were a couple more "little" things to fix while I'm there, including the source of the oil leak, which turned out to be much cheaper than a replacement engine. I did decline their offer to replace a wiper blade for me - which still works I noted - as well as the cabin air filter. It's dirty, but the first couple times I just pull it out, whack it hard two or three times against something like a wastebasket to clear 90% of the dirt out and replace it behind the glove box. Easy peasy. All in all, the bill will be something around $800, but I'm good with that. Like I said, cheaper than a new engine, and a new guarantee of no longer getting bopped on the head for using the hatch. That actually started - very intermittently - a year ago, and just got really bad in the winter weather. But I've lost count of how many head bonks I've gotten, and am heartily tired of having to go hold it open in wind chill temps to get groceries loaded, or of people, even after being warned it needs to be held, finding out the hard way in their rush that I wasn't exaggerating.
But boy, they better have the correct parts Friday when I arrive this time!