Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Why A Well Education Are Importance

The parking lot at the grocery store was crammed today, presumably all the pre-Thanksgiving shoppers. I was one of them, picking up the last minute items for my stuffing-muffins recipe, including the cupcake papers. 

A car passed me, slowly enough to not only be safe, but for me to read its bumper sticker. It had a message I thought I agreed with, but there was just a little something which gave me pause. I made sure to read it again, extra carefully. I am fully aware that the brain can play tricks on what you think you saw. 

Yep, it said exactly what I thought it did: "NO HUMANS IS ILLEGAL".

Ahhh, Arizona.

This upcoming holiday reminds me to be grateful for my many blessings, like a home, my extended family, a loving husband, and a real Minnesota education!

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