Thursday, August 10, 2023

Latest Covid News: What's Old is New... Again

 I'm not hearing this in many places, but Covid is back and deaths are climbing again. The CDC has stopped collecting the information. Helpful, eh? There are technicalities: It's not the same old version. Like several times before, a variant has developed due OF COURSE to millions of people believing it was all over and forgetting about the usual precautions like good masking and social distancing. How long has it been since you've seen a mask worn in a store? Or worn one yourself? I have to admit that since leaving Arizona my masks tend to hang on my turn signal arm in the car. So mea culpa too. Of course I was prepared for fellow spreaders in that bastion of Righties, but now in liberal Minnesota?


Many of us who are actually not influenced by the wing nut crazies have been keeping up with our vaccinations and practicing... sort of mostly ... protective measures that everybody's tired of by now. But we still aren't getting the information about what's happening out there. Heck, we hear more about malaria and leprosy in Florida then we do about covid these days. Guess which is killing more of us right now?

Yes, hospitals in certain areas are getting flooded with covid patients again. ERs are getting crowded, and once again, their patients are dying while waiting for rooms. When we can simply walk in, have a positive test, and get Paxlovid to knock our symptoms way back, not only are we not prepared for this new influx but neither are the hospitals and their staffs. Those professionals are barely getting over the demoralization of our million-plus deaths in the last three years, not to mention all the deluded people literally fighting them to "find out what they really have because it can't be covid!" while they die, still not convinced.

Officially the emergency is over. Governmental benefits have stopped. As a society we are out and about, traveling, partying, back in all the group situations we find necessary in order to feel like things are normal.

If only.

The tragic irony is that the unbelievers, those in areas most supporting of Trump, are the ones now sickest, and dying in the largest numbers. Those of us who claim to hold liberal ideals and who have wished most vehemently that those damaging ideas would quickly die out, never wished it would be because their followers were the ones dying out fastest. It's a demonstrable example of the law of natural consequences, those who don't believe the danger are most likely to fall prey to it. If I were in Florida I'd phrase it "those who don't believe in gators feed the gators."

EG-5, or Eris, the latest variant, has the following symptoms: It's more easily transmissible than the other ones currently circulating, and while more are getting it, there is as yet no indication it is more severe. It does seem to show up more in people who already have comorbidities, because of course it will, and that alone may tip the balance in consequences of getting it. Look for the following:

  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Altered sense of smell

Several months ago there were reports of the variant this one derived from also causing red eyes, but that is not currently mentioned with this. Also anticipate fever. To be sure what you have, of course, have your home covid tests handy and up to date. People are reporting them not registering positive until the 2nd or third day of illness, so don't be shy about retesting, and with a positive result, get Paxlovid immediately. It only works if it's taken quickly after symptoms develop. A severe or advanced case, untreated, will result in breathing problems, and whether light or severe, long covid is a possibility. Some people who caught the first cases back in '20, and had those turn into long covid, are still reporting those symptoms, especially severe chronic exhaustion.

On a personal note, it's been 11 months since I caught covid, despite precautions and vaccinations. I still find myself having low energy, though rarely do I try to be active enough that I notice it. It has also only been recently that I've noticed my nose returning to anything like its former acuity. It's not completely there yet, but food is tasting better, and I noticed a burnt paper pizza shell (Papa Murphy's) in the oven the other night. (No, I wasn't the one cooking. Just saying.)

There have been 3 companies developing new vaccinations for this variant, supposed to be more responsive to changing pieces of the virus, possibly even better against variants not here yet. We'll see. We are told to expect news as soon as the end of this month on when it's available, so possibly in the stores mid September. If you're debating whether to re-boost now with what's out there or wait those last few weeks, opinions are mixed. Medicare is supposed to cover either, but other insurance companies... well, check your own. The "emergency is over" proclamation has allowed some of them to leave you on your own, and they can be costly.

Meanwhile, should you contract covid, there are things you can do to make your own illness easier. Paxlovid ASAP is important. And of course do all the things you've always been supposed to do to avoid spreading it. But most of the damage is from your body overreacting to the virus, or what is known as the cytokine storm. It has 2 main mechanisms, and there are inexpensive OTC products on the shelves which fight them. One is Cetirizine, an allergy product, the other the generic version of Pepsid AC for heartburn. You can of course go buy the big label, big price products. I would not personally take more than the labels suggest for normal times, or perhaps double it for a significantly heavier body weight, and not for more than a week or so. Also stock heavier dose B Complex vitamins to take for a couple weeks to fight the exhaustion since covid seems to deplete your body's supply. If your primary doc is like mine, they will order a chest x-ray once you test negative again

If none of these things help, hope that your local ER isn't overcrowded when you need it, and go get your ass hauled there!!!

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