Friday, November 20, 2020

"New Math"?

I was feeling lazy. Normally I do sums in my head, or maybe pencil and paper if it's complicated.  I could have walked to the hardware drawer in the kitchen and gotten out the little calculator. But, lazy. Mentally and physically. So I just hit Google and entered the three numbers with a + between each and followed by =. I got the answer instantly.

Google also told me it was the first of 22,200,00 answers! When I grew up, there was only one correct math answer. Was that because it was back before "new math"? Or is this just an indication for why half the country works from "alternate facts" these days?

For the record, I was adding the different amounts for our modest remodel of the kitchen. Steve wants a dishwasher so badly he's been saving up enough to pay for it. Since that's the case, the countertops are getting replaced as well. The old broken dishwasher was installed after the 1961 house construction, which we know because there is a lumpy seam in the counter over it with a slightly different color from there to the wall. We've lived with it. After all, it still works, and there's still a bunch of ugly in this house. If we could have afforded prettier.... Well, we're basically just grateful to have a house, paid for. It would have kept the rain off our heads if there were such a thing down here. Google didn't offer my budget 22,200,000 housing options, after all.

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