Thursday, August 27, 2020

Instead... Babylon Five?

Too much politics. I'm talking about the lies, lies, history rewrites, hypocrisy, lies, flag humping, hate and fear spreading,  ad infinitum. Even a hurricane seems to be a respite right now. Been following an online thread about what people are doing instead of watching the RNC  covid-spreading party on the White House lawn.

I'd really rather watch Rachel Maddow in this time slot. Unfortunately she's busy watching the convention herself, letting us know - in case we've forgotten - just what's true and what's not. I pity her, but at least she gets paid for it. I don't. And I'm not watching. I do really resent, however, not having Rachel until tomorrow. Well, I hope she'll still be on tomorrow. She might need a brain bleaching after these four days.

Since I can't have Rachel, and Steve's "Deadliest Catch" current favorite is getting old, I've been musing on what I'd actually like to watch. DVDs have come up in conversations a couple times today, once in the context of selling some off. I happen to have collected a couple hundred movies, now all sitting in albums to ease storage needs for space. They've been there since we moved down. A couple have actually been watched.

So, knowing roughly what I have there, what would I really like to watch? Really, what would I like to watch once  more before deciding to try to sell them off myself? One thing presented itself. Only one.  "Babylon Five". I have the full five years of it. Nobody's replaying it on cable TV, a great of a series as it is. I kinda get that: it's complicated and takes some time and patience to pull the characters and plot lines together. Even watching (some) episodes after seeing it all once, new details fit into place, and knowing the resolution lets you hunt for the clues which didn't seem important the first time through. (So that's why Sinclair....) And Ivanova never fails to come up with the best line in every episode. Like Jessica Rabbit, she was written that way.

OK, I recognize the irony of watching a series about politics to avoid watching politics, but it's some of the best ever science fiction. And it was the intricacy of the politics in "Dune" that turned me on to science fiction after high school samples of must-read-tripe turned me off of it for, I thought, life. I gave my 1st husband one chance to find me a book to change my mind, or get off my case about reading the stuff.  He at least got one thing right!

Tomorrow seems like a great time to go dig the "Babylon Five" out for one last good immersion.

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