Wednesday, August 26, 2020

How Are The Mails?

First, a disclaimer. We are completely satisfied with our mail carriers. That's plural because they seem to rotate two or three through the neighborhood on a regular basis. The mail always gets where it's supposed to go, the outgoing mail gets picked up, they knock o the door to let us know a package awaits, and they are unfailingly polite and informative those (rarer now) times when we address them.


I mentioned days ago about a letter that took 3 days to travel across Sun City.

Rich is still waiting for a paycheck which was due to be handed to him on Friday, but accidentally got mailed instead, from3 miles away. His wait is something a little bit less than patient.

I ordered a pair of 3M's extra large window insulating film after the previous packages contained something smaller than advertised, back on August 12. The order shipped the 14th, from some little town in northern Florida. Tracking information held steady with "in transit" until this morning. Now, on the 26th, with Hurricane Laura about to wreak havoc along it's travel path, tracking has informed me that the package has ... wait for it ... left Jacksonville!

Two weeks to get out of Florida!

The next usual spot for a Florida package to show up in tracking information is Dallas.

(Checks weather forecast map.)

Yep, optimism reigns. I'm absolutely positive... that fall will arrive before I have a chance to keep the summer heat out with another layer on the windows!

I wonder if those things float. Or maybe they can get opened up, turned into sails, and fly here on their own?

*    *    *    *    *

By the way, not hearing from our granddaughter with covid. Hope she's not too sick. Heard an expert on virus numbers quoted as saying with the few tests being taken these days, the daily reported increase of around 40,000 new cases is much more likely to be 200,000! Schools are shutting back down, colleges are kicking students out after large parties, and reported numbers are starting to get squirrely, bouncing up and down. Sturgis is over, and because apparently nobody can bother to stay home or follow precautions, 350,000 more spreaders will reinfiltrate the country with another surge as well.

But, but. but Trump says........ Please, all those fans of his out there, take him at his word that it's all over and go shake his hand in thanks, give him a good hug, and with all your enthusiasm, share the last breaths in your deluded bodies. After all, he's got hydroxychloroquine, oleandrin, miracle untried vaccines, and Putin to keep him safe. Right?

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